LED post top lighting has finally arrived! The technology is hot, and the price is not! At least not any more. To understand the surge in popularity for LED post top garden lights you must understand its use, and what benefits it offers compared to other types of lighting.

The mechanics of how LED lights work is totally unique compared to that of the light bulb. Believe it or not, LEDs are surprisingly simple, and well constructed. Purposefully designed to be versatile, the diodes are built from flexible material, which allows them to be configured into practically any design, or pattern. A small semiconductor can also be manipulated to provide different colors.
LED garden lights are basically small electronic diodes that emit a soft, soft diffused light. When current flows through a single diode, the atoms are excited and accumulate energy. This energy then begins to jump, or spill over into nearby receptors. When atoms begin to share excess electrons with other materials inside the semiconductor, energy is released in the form of light.
Until now, LED technology has been too expensive to be considered a viable alternative to low-cost lighting, but recent advances have lowered prices and allowed other advantages to take center stage. Here are the advantages of LED lighting:
Brighter, more controllable lighting.
Increased energy efficiency.
Requires far less wattage than standard HID, CFL, and Incandescent lights.
Produces less heat
Unlike bulbs, which use filaments, LEDs will last thousands of hours.
So, why are LED lights becoming all the rage? They are turning up everywhere from car headlamps to city streetlights. It helps that recent advances have reduced costs to within competitive ranges of the competition. The colors LEDs are available in have expanded quickly, and the available light they produce has increased dramatically.

Recently, LED lights have become the light source of choice for all types of products. Another factor that keeps consumers happy is that the U.S. Department of Energy says LED technology far surpasses other lighting options in terms of saving energy and reducing energy costs.
Yes, just as the simple days of lighting candles or oil lamps are sure to be a thing of the past, filament style bulbs are destined to be forgotten as more economical and energy-efficient forms of lighting are introduced. BMW’s manufacturers are already experimenting with laser technology on their cars!
Even if you’re not living in a country that has banned incandescent bulbs, you should definitely make the decision to switch to LED bulbs.LED (Light Emitting Diode) light bulbs have many advantages that make them a superior choice.
For one, they last way longer(15,000 – 50,000 hours) than incandescent bulbs(700 – 1,000 hours).
If you use LED bulbs 10 hours a day, they can last over 10 years! In comparison, incandescent bulbs only last 100 days.
There is a third option, the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). It’s really just a tad smaller than an incandescent, though. The lifespan of energy-saving lamps is only 10,000 hours, which is much longer than that of incandescent lamps, but LED lamps are longer than incandescent lamps in life and other aspects.
Because no filament is used, LED lights are durable. They are more forgiving of drops or bumps.
LED lights do not contain mercury, which you usually find in CFLs, which is highly toxic. A ruptured CFL bulb can release mercury into the air, which can be a hazard.
Do LEDs Use a Lot of Electricity?
Now, you understand how LED bulbs can save you money by having to buy fewer light bulbs over time.But what about the energy cost of having one of these screwed into the ceilings of your home?
The electricity used by a light bulb is measured by KWh. An LED bulb uses 127.5KWh over its lifespan of 15,000 hours. Incandescent bulbs used for 15,000 hours (for theoretical purposes; an incandescent bulb cannot last that long) will use up 900KWh of electricity.Now, the cost of electricity per KWh will depend on the area you live in. The average for the US is 13 cents per hour.So, with that rate, the cost of electricity for an LED bulb is only $16.58, while an incandescent bulb would cost $117 – almost 7 times as much on your energy bill!
LED, or light-emitting diode, is a semiconductor device that illuminates and produces visible light when an electric current passes through it. A diode is composed of two electrodes — anode and cathode — that allow electricity to flow in one direction. LED lights produce light more efficiently compared to standard incandescent light bulbs or compact fluorescent lamp (CFLs), making them less costly to use.
How Do LED post top Lights Work?
LED lights are directional light sources and can only emit light in a specific direction. For the current to flow, a light-emitting diode should have a voltage source connected with the positive side on the anode and the negative side on the cathode. This connection will produce light, known as the forward bias condition. Forward bias allows the electrical current to flow through the LED, emitting visible light.
If the positive end of the voltage source is connected to the cathode and the negative end is connected to the anode, the current would not flow. This condition is known as reverse bias, which prevents the electricity from flowing through the LED until it reaches a certain point where it is no longer able to keep the current flow, known as the peak inverse voltage. When this happens, the device will be damaged.
Because LED lights emit light in one direction, they are able to use light and energy more efficiently compared to other light products, such as incandescent lights and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).
Why Do LED pole Lights Cost Less to Operate?
Generally speaking, LED lights are cheaper to run because diode lights use energy more efficiently. LED lights don’t generate as much heat as other traditional light bulbs. They are technically designed to stop the flow of current when not connected to the correct end of a voltage source, which means they don’t generate unnecessary heat that just wastes energy.
LED lights have direct lighting capabilities, which means that a small number of LED lights can provide the same amount of light as several conventional light bulbs. At the same time, traditional light bulbs require a lot of energy to provide a certain brightness, while LED lights use less energy to provide the same brightness or lumens.
How Much Energy Do LED garden Lights Save?
Compared to incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs that use an average of 5 hours a day can save $10-20 per year in energy costs.
Compared to other types of lighting products, LED lights are highly energy efficient. Home LED lighting products save at least 75% energy than incandescent or energy-saving lighting products. In fact, most LED bulbs use only 2 to 17 watts of electricity, which is 60 to 90 percent less than incandescent or CFLs.
When measuring how much energy you can save by using LED lights, you also need to consider lumens, which is the amount of light or brightness level a lighting product can provide. For example, a 60-watt incandescent lamp can emit 800 lumens of light. On the other hand, LED bulbs only need 10 watts to emit the same brightness. The less energy you consume, the lower your costs.
Taking these factors into consideration, LED lights are generally more energy efficient and cost less.
How Do LED post top Lights Differ From Other Lighting Products?
LED lamps differ from other lighting products such as incandescent, halogen, and energy-saving lamps in several ways. Here are some things that make LED lights more popular:
Direction: LED lights emit light in a specific direction, which means they use light and energy more efficiently, especially when using recessed downlights and task lighting. Energy-saving and incandescent lamps, on the other hand, emit light and heat in all directions.
Light source: LED lights emit white light by combining LEDs of different colors (eg, amber, red, green, blue). Sometimes LED lights are covered with a phosphor material that converts the color of white light. Incandescent lamps use electricity to heat a metal filament until it is white-hot to emit light. Energy efficient fluorescent lamps use an electric current to flow between electrodes at both ends, which contain a gas that produces ultraviolet (UV) light and heat.
Thermal Management: LED lights use heat sinks to manage heat. These heat sinks absorb heat and dissipate it into the surrounding environment, preventing the LED lights from overheating. Conversely, CFLs and incandescent lamps release 80% to 90% of their energy as heat.
Other Benefits of LED post area Lighting
Aside from being energy-efficient and cost-effective, there are other benefits you can get from switching to LED lighting, such as the following:
LED post lights are long lasting. Because LED lights control heat more efficiently, it prevents overheating and burning. This means LED lights last longer, typically 40 times longer than standard incandescent lights.
LED lights are more environmentally friendly. Compared to CFLs and incandescent lamps, LED lights use less energy, making them a more environmentally friendly option.
LED lamps do not contain mercury. LED lights do not contain mercury, so they are safe to use at home and protect the environment.
LED lights do not cause heat build-up. Only 20% of an LED light’s energy is used to dissipate heat, which makes it generally cool to use. LED lights do not cause heat build-up in the room, which helps reduce air conditioning costs.
LED lights provide instant illumination. CFLs take some time to warm up, while LED lights provide full brightness from the moment you turn them on.
Directional lighting reduces energy consumption. LED lights are designed to emit light in one direction, helping to reduce energy consumption because no light is trapped in reflectors and diffusers.
LED post top lights provide high brightness and intensity. It’s capable of emitting high brightness with less energy. There are available in a variety of colors. Incandescent lamps use gels or filters to produce different shades of light, while LED lamps use actual diodes or their phosphorous coatings to provide a range of colors and temperatures.