The expanding cost of electricity and the adverse consequence of greenhouse gas emissions have made numerous organizations to adopt energy-effective and harmless to the ecosystem lighting arrangements – and LED is the most famous option.

Its a well known fact that LED lights have altered lighting because of their low energy consumption, decreased support, high light output, and a horde of other fantastic advantages. These lights have helped organizations, associations, and establishments to get a good deal on power and have better light in their spaces.

In the event that you have a huge indoor space that should be enlightened (an assembling office, stockroom, production line, enormous retail chain, or a gymnasium) high bay led lights are suggested. These incredible lights give the perfect measure of light for enormous spaces with high roofs. The light apparatuses are appended to roofs by means of chains, snares, pendants, or straightforwardly fixed to a roof.

Since LEDs come in different plans, it tends to be difficult to pick the best lights for your high sound apparatuses. We’ve composed this post to make it simple for you to pick the best high bay lights.

What is high bay lighting, and what applications benefit from it?

At whatever point an enormous indoor space should be illuminated, high bay lighting is normally fitting. Consider spaces like assembling offices, exercise centers, stockrooms, huge retail chains, production lines, and more; these offices are regularly huge and cover a ton of vertical just as level space. This requires powerful lighting to give the fitting foot-flame levels to enough illuminate. High sound lighting fixtures normally dangle from the roof through snares, chains, or pendants, or they might be fixed to the roof straightforwardly (comparable to troffer lights). The picture above features high bay lighting in real life.

Different ventures and offices require high bay lighting.

Some of the most common are:

  • Warehouses
  • Industrial facilities
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • School and university gymnasiums
  • Municipal facilities like community centers or recreation centers
  • Commercial applications like department stores
Buying Guides to LED High Bay Lights

Why choose LED high bay lights instead of metal halide, fluorescent, or other conventional high bay lights?

Verifiably, different lighting advances were (and still are) utilized in distribution center and industrial settings when high bay lights were required. Some of the most normal includes metal halide (MH), high pressure sodium (HPS), and fluorescent. While every one of these bulbs have their merits, industrial LED lighting outperforms its traditional partners critically. We should investigate a portion of the different considerations when choosing whether an LED retrofit is proper for your distribution center or industrial space.

Industrial LED lighting vs metal halide high bay lights:

On the off chance that you’ve at any point been to a ballgame, you’ve probably seen metal halide enlightening the field. MH lights are normal in sporting and warehouse/industrial uses (as well as any setting where enormous, high spaces should be enlightened). Advantages of MH lights incorporate decent color rendering and similarly sufficient foot-flame levels (instead of different kinds of ordinary bulbs). A portion of their significant downsides are quite a while to heat up (now and again 15-30 minutes) and a significant expense to keep up with, and their disappointment attributes incorporate glimmering on and off. This is notwithstanding the way that amount of the energy they produce is squandered as heat. Read more about LED versus Metal Halide Lights.

LED high bay lighting vs high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights:

HPS lights are regularly utilized inwarehouse, industrial, business, and recreational facilities where high bay lighting is fitting. Their advantages incorporate modest selling value, high energy proficiency (low working expenses), and a moderately long life expectancy. HPS lighting innovation holds these benefits over most ordinary bulbs, yet they lose on every one of the three tallies to LED high cove lighting. The disadvantages of HPS bulbs incorporate the worst color rendering on the market and a warm up period.

Industrial LED lighting vs fluorescent lighting:

However to some of uncommon, fluorescent lighting is in some cases used in warehouse or industrial applications (essentially T12, T8, and T5 lights). The advantages of bright lights incorporate less expensive starting expenses and generally high efficiency (particularly when contrasted with other regular bulbs). Downsides incorporate the presence of poisonous mercury (which requires certain garbage removal methods), diminished lifetime whenever turned on and off, and requiring a counterweight to balance out the light.

13 Buying Tips for LED High Bay Lights

1. Create a Layout

The principal thing you ought to do when purchasing LED high bay lights is to plan a format. This is because that various of spaces need various kinds of high bay lights. For example, an extra space may just need a light with 30 foot candles. In any case, in a distribution center, you need 50 foot candles lux with the goal that the climate can be helpful for work. Retail locations need exceptionally splendid light with the goal that customers can plainly see the items they’re purchasing (80 foot candles or more). Before you do whatever else, decide the lighting necessities of each room.

2. Determine the Lumens and Watts we Need

While you should take a look at the watts when purchasing LED high bay lights, lumens are more significant. Lumens measure the aggregate sum of apparent light delivered by a light source. As LED innovation keeps on progressing, new LEDs are made that utilization less watts to deliver more lumens.

Watts don’t tell you how bright a bulb is, lumens do. Watts just demonstrate the power a light source burns-through. A decent general guideline is 2 lumens for a cubic foot (for ordinary light) and 3 lumens for a cubic foot (for splendid light).

When picking LED lights for high bay fixtures, consider where they will be introduced as various watts are suggested for different heights.

So, now that we’re talking lumens, we can narrow down what you need based on the height of your space’s ceiling:

Ceiling Height Use a fixture rated
Over 40 feet 40,000 lumens & up
30 to 40 feet 30,000 to 39,000 lumens
20 to 30 feet 20,000 to 29,000 lumens
15 to 20 feet 15,000 to 19,000 lumens

Only where your application falls in that reach relies upon a couple of extra factors—for instance, what your space is utilized for. Retail and assembling require more brilliant light at ground level than distribution center and entertainment, for example, and straight-up capacity requires even less. Furthermore, the size of your space and the color of your wlls will influence your light decisions.

3.How far apart should LED high bays be installed?

The nearer together you introduce your apparatuses, the more cross-over the light at ground level will have—and the more brilliant that light will be. The farther separated you introduce your lights, the less cross-over. Put them far enough separated and, rather than cross-over, you’ll have holes. The greater the holes, the more lopsided your lighting will be at ground level.

In this way, you’ll need to some extent some little level of cross-over. What amount relies upon how splendid you need your lighting to be at ground level.

Also, your dispersing will rely upon your roof stature. Light is cone-molded. At the light source, it’s concentrated. As it voyages from the source, it spreads outward. The farther from the source, the more extensive the spread. Thus, a light introduced 15 feet off the ground has just 15 feet of movement before the light arrives at the ground, making its circle more modest than that of a light introduced at 30 feet, where it has double the distance to travel—and spread—prior to arriving at ground.

Thus, lights introduced at just 15 feet high should be nearer together to accomplish cross-over than lights that are introduced at 30 feet. You can utilize this diagram as a fundamental general guideline:

Installation Height Normal Brightness High Brightness
Over 30 feet 25 ft spacing 20 ft spacing
20 to 30 feet 18 ft spacing 16 ft spacing
15 to 20 feet 14 ft spacing 12 ft spacing

4. How many lights do we need?

At the point when you sort out the spacing the fixtures need between them to create satisfactory light, you can decide the number of LED lights you need. A lighting plan will decide the number of lights you need, where they ought to be separated (or if there should be an occurrence of a current office, utilizing the current light areas).

The lighting plan will show you how splendid the light will be (foot-candles).

5. Make Decision on the Type of High Bay Lights

High bays arrive in many kind of designs. There are long, enormous lights known as direct high bayss and cycle ones known as UFO’s. Linear high bays are ideal for huge spaces for supplanting fluorescent cylinder fixtures. UFO high bays are likewise ideal for high roofs however are more hearty than linear installations and most are IP (wet) evaluated. Wide calculated linear high bay are ideally suited for lower roof applications.

6. How important is efficacy to you?

The higher a high bays efficacy, the less watts a high bay consumes to produce the same amount of lumens.

A 100W LED High Bay at 150 lm/w produces 15,000 lumens.
A 150W LED High Bay at 100 lm/w also produces 15,000 lumens.

For every hour the two lights work, the more proficient 100W light burns-through 50 less watts. This is genuine energy investment funds.

More proficient lights ordinarily cost a touch more at season of procurement. Yet, they will save you much more cash in diminished lighting bills over the existence of the great cove

The trade off: Lower cost at time of purchase versus more savings over the life of the LED high bay lights.

7. Do you need a high voltage high bay fixture?

Typically voltage ranges for LED High Bays are:


LED High Bays naturally change in accordance with approaching voltage. There is no compelling reason to set the voltage. In any case, ensure you have the right voltage chose for your business or mechanical space.

8. What Color Temperature should you choose for your High Bay?

The two most common and used color temperatures are:

4000K – or Natural White
5000K – or Day White

3000K is a light that is well suited for homes. Most people find that if lighting above 5000K is too harsh and bright to look at or work under such light. You should choose 4000K if you need a warmer, more inviting light. 5000K is great for completing tasks or replacement of metal halide.

9. What CRI should you consider when choosing High Bay LED Lights?

70+ CRI is a perfect choice for a typical cominfo@bbier.commercial or industrial high bay application. If you have manufacturing processes where color rendering is important element, then choose a higher CRI, like 80 or 90. CRI is the equivalent of light quality. You typically need less lumens when you have better CRI.

10. You should remember this rule – Light Distribution is just as important as light levels

Having the right light levels is important, but making sure the light is even in your indoor space is also important. How can you tell how well a light will distribute light based on its specifications? You can’t. You need to do a lighting plan. That is why we offer free – no obligation – High Bay lighting plans.

11. What do you need to add light controls to your LED High Bay?

The most widely recognized light control for indoor LED High Bays are motion sensors. The two most common used sensors are microwave and PIR (Passive Infrared). Fire flier lighting gives a microwave sensor to our high bays.

Ensure your LED High Bay is outfitted with a 0-10V Dimmable driver. Movement sensors work with dimmable drivers to set a lower light level. Something else, the sum total of what you have is on or off.

0-10V drivers – 0V doesn’t generally mean off. Ensure you pose us this inquiry assuming you need the light to be off when nobody is near. Something else, the most reduced it will go is 10% on.

12. Do you need High Temperature LED High Bays for a hot environment?

Most high bay fixtures are rated to 50℃ Ambient Temperature. What if you need more than that? Fortunately, we offer High Temperature LED High Bays rated to 65℃.

13. Do you need Rugged Impact Resistance High Bays?

In this case, you are looking for a fixtures impact rating, or IK rating. Fixtures are rated from IK01 to IK10. IK10 are the toughest. So if your commercial or industrial space is prone to knocking fixtures, or you have a gym where ball impact is common, consider an IK rated fixtures. Our UFO LED High bays are all IK08 or IK10 rated.

Our lighting team has assisted with countless LED high bay lighting projects, Like gymnasiums and warehouses, equestrian arenas and airplane hangars and so on. email (, or hit up our Live Chat. With just a few questions we can tell you what lumens to look for in your new high bay LED lighting. Getting this right will save you from overspending on too much light or, worse, installing inadequate lighting you’ll have to supplement later.