Modern retailers understand the role of various lighting configurations in improving customer experience and generating sales. Led work lights eliminates dark areas in the store, while work lighting helps employees and customers complete business transactions. On the other hand, emphasis on lighting allows retailers to highlight specific products and emphasize the style of the store.

Studies have shown that the atmosphere of a store has a great influence on shoppers’ buying behavior. However, after labor, rent, and marketing expenses, energy is the fourth largest operating cost for US retailers. In fact, in addition to maintaining the store’s HVAC system and checking utilities such as sensors, thermostats, and digital water meters, you must also consider upgrading the store’s lighting to save energy and reduce costs.

 How to Use LED work Lights to Boost Sales and Save Energy

LED lighting systems are ideal for all the above types of lighting configurations. In addition, the lighting quality produced by LED lamps is the same as traditional incandescent lamps, and only consumes half of the energy. Therefore, LED work lights are energy-efficient and flexible for all retail stores’ needs.


To beat your competitors in the retail arena, the key is to make your brand compelling. Here are four ways to use LED work lights to provide the best lighting, attract customers, and reduce energy costs.


  1. Pay Attention to the Science behind LED Retail Lighting

For effective LED retail lighting, you must be familiar with the technical details of bulbs and lamps, so that you can highlight the correct product area, ensure customer comfort, and increase sales. Understanding the common terms in the LED retail lighting field will help you make the right lighting decisions and create an environment that makes your shoppers feel comfortable.


  1. Intensity or Lumen

The brightness of traditional lamps, such as incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, and high intensity discharge (HID) bulbs, is measured in watts. However, the common unit for measuring brightness now is lumens. Therefore, higher lumens means brighter bulbs.


If you are upgrading the lighting of a retail store to LED lights and want similar brightness in the store, please refer to the lumens listed on the LED product manual. Removing the last number of lumens will leave you with a number representing wattage. For example, if an LED lamp emits 800 lumens, its brightness is roughly equivalent to an 80-watt bulb. Therefore, using this considerable wattage, you can invest in the most compatible LED lamps for your store.

  1. Efficacy

Efficacy refers to the amount of light (lumens) produced by LED bulbs when using a certain power (watts), also known as lumens per watt. For example, a light bulb emits 480 lumens of light with 8 watts of power, and its efficiency is 60 lumens per watt (480/8). A light bulb with this effect is definitely more cost-effective than a 12-watt, 480-lumen light bulb. Most high-quality LED lamps and lamps have an efficiency rating of 100+ LpW.

How to Use LED work Lights to Boost Sales and Save Energy
  1. Color-Rendering Index (CRI)

When selling fashion, beauty, and food products, it is vital to choose a lighting that does not distort colors or affect product visibility. For example, the juice looks dim due to improper lighting, which seriously affects the sales of food retail stores. The high CRI value (close to 100) of the LED light shows the true color of the product, thus encouraging customers to make a buying decision that is beneficial to you.


D. Correlated Color Temperature (CCT)

CCT is measured on the Kelvin temperature scale. It represents the hue and tone of the emitted light. For example, light emitted in the range of 2000K to 4000K appears warm (orange or yellow). Similarly, CCT values ​​between 4000K and 5000K are called natural light or neutral light. According to the atmosphere you want to create, you can choose the most suitable CCT lamp to enhance your customer experience and promote sales.


  1. Install Sensor-Enabled LED Lights to Reduce Energy Wastage

The occupancy rate and energy demand of stores change throughout the day. For example, your store may experience fewer pedestrians in the afternoon, thereby reducing the need for lighting in certain areas of the store.


Installing leds with sensors and advanced lighting control devices can turn off lights in areas not in use, thereby greatly reducing energy costs. The motion sensors built into these smart LED lights are very sensitive because they use human body heat and wavelength to calculate motion, thereby ensuring the best use of electricity and improving the quality of light in the store.

  1. Integrate Beacons into LED Lights to Attract Customers

Until recently, retail store owners have been investing in small Bluetooth beacons that are installed in different locations around the store to connect and communicate with customers. However, technology has made it possible to embed beacons and sensors in LED lights to locate and connect customers in and around the store, enabling store owners to promote brands and boost sales.


Lighting industry giants General Electric (General Electric) and Philips (Philips) have launched smart LED lights, which are programmed through micro-beacons. When customers walk through the store, shopkeepers can use discounts on products that pop up on smart devices. attract customers. These smart LED lights also provide retailers with valuable customer data and energy savings.

With the promotion of LED lighting, many factors need to be considered in the lighting level now. One of the biggest controversies is that wattage vs. lumens and determines brightness. The old way to observe how bright a lamp is is to look at the wattage. For incandescent lamps, the higher the wattage, the brighter the lamp. Now we need to pay attention to the lumen of the lamp to determine the brightness of the lamp, especially when it comes to LEDs.


What does a Watt mean?

The wattage of light is the energy required to produce a certain amount of light. The higher the wattage, the brighter the light, but it also requires more energy. The efficiency of the system is introduced using incandescent lamps.

A 40-watt incandescent lamp only produces 380-460 lumens and consumes 40 watts of energy per hour.

A 100-watt incandescent lamp produces 1700-1800 lumens and uses 100 watts of energy per hour.

There are about 100,000 lumens per hour in direct sunlight, which does not consume any energy.

This is an inefficient lighting method, and there have been many advances, such as the introduction of fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps, as well as metal halides, low pressure sodium, and high pressure sodium. Fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps produce better lighting effects at lower power; however, there are some environmental factors that need to be considered. Metal halides, LPS and HPS produce better lighting effects than standard incandescent lamps; however, their wattage is usually much higher than similar products of energy-saving lamps or LEDs, and they consume much more power.

For instance:

A 40 Watt incandescent is now replaced with a 9 Watt CFL or a 4 Watt LED

A 60 Watt incandescent is now replaced with a 13 Watt CFL or a 7 Watt LED

A 100 Watt incandescent is now replaced with a 32 Watt CFL or a 15 Watt LED

Switching to energy-saving lamps or LEDs can provide the same or better lighting while using only a small part of the original power. For example, I use a 7-watt LED bulb to illuminate my kitchen, and it is very bright. This is replaced from a 32-watt energy-saving lamp. There are three 150-watt incandescent lamps outside, occupying about 150 square feet, and later replaced by 13-watt energy-saving lamps. Now, the lighting conditions in these areas are much better, and the cost is only a small part of the original electricity demand.

What does a Lumen mean?

Lumen is the amount of light emitted by a lamp. If you use a 42-watt energy-saving lamp or a 25-watt LED lamp to replace a 150-watt standard bulb, its brightness is about 2600 lumens. This reduces the energy required to produce the same light by more than a quarter. A 70-watt LED lamp can produce 7000 lumens or more, which can replace most highway and parking lot lighting lamps, making it a more efficient and cost-saving lamp. This day becomes more and more efficient.

Work light generally refers to the installation in the lathe, machine tools, machinery or the workplace for the operation of lighting lamps and lanterns, is basically installation position fixed, but the lamps and lanterns around can be adjustable, adjustable height and direction, such as its appearance modelling requirements is not high, but because of the workplace environment is relatively poor, require the lamps and lanterns is strong, stable and safe protection,Brightness, light color and so on to meet the requirements of the nature of the work, no stroboscopic and piercing, will not make the workpiece movement illusion.

In the end, taking into consideration the lighting levels and Lumens over the Wattage of the lamp will provide a more energy efficient lighting system. Higher Lumen and lower Wattage lamps, especially with LEDs, will provide the best lighting with the lowest energy costs.

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