Almost all commercial property owners, as well as most contractors and distributors will consider making the switch and installing LED Shoebox Fixtures in their parking areas to save energy and maintenance costs.

This article is to provide key points to assist with finding the best suitable LED ShoeBox Light Fixtures for your application.

Key Points to Choose the Right LED Shoebox Fixtures for your Parking Lot

Making Sure Converting to LED Is Worth It

The idea of LED technology is enough to sell someone on making the switch, let alone knowing these fixtures will lower your electric bill and be brighter than ever; however, consider if the application and location for this upgrade will be worth it. Although it is rare not to have a successful outcome, the project you are considering converting to LED fixtures needs to be well thought out to guarantee you will get a return on investment (ROI), and not be a waste of your money.

Are you replacing existing parking lot fixtures or is this a new project?

Depending on whether there are existing fixtures to be replaced or if there Is currently not any at all, this will determine some additional steps you may need to take to complete this project.

Always check with your local city ordinances when installing new fixtures, especially on new construction, as you may be required to pull a permit and/or have proof that the fixtures meet expected ratings.

When replacing existing fixtures to LED Shoebox fixtures, some important things to double check prior to purchasing the new fixtures are:

  1. What type of facility are these being used to illuminate?
  2. What type of fixtures/lights are currently in use?
  3. What wattage do the existing fixtures use?
  4. What is the voltage, 120V-277V or 347V-480V?
  5. Are there any changes you would like made such as higher light levels/lower light levels?
  6. Any certain direction you need the light to be aimed towards?

Another great thing to do for your lighting supplier, would be to take some pictures of where you are looking to install these new LED fixtures, this will allow them to help determine the best replacement options and mounting types as this could possibly add additional installation/labor costs that you don’t not want to be surprised with.

Key Points to Choose the Right LED Shoebox Fixtures for your Parking Lot

How The LED Fixtures Be Mounted

Depending on if you have existing fixtures or not, this will be a key factor when it comes to deciding the type of Pole Mounting Accessories that may be needed.

f you have existing fixtures, determine how they are mounted so that you can get the compatible LED fixture to replace it with; again, pictures to show your lighting supplier will help with this decision as you can typically utilize the existing mounts.

When you are installing new fixture onto new construction, determining if they will be pole mounted versus wall mounted is key!

–          When pole mounting, determine the type of pole and its size, as well as if there is an existing 2-3/8 tenon or not.

There are many options and factors when it comes to mounting your new LED Parking Lot fixtures, however the main three offered are:

  1. Direct Mounted, which is used when you mount the fixture directly onto the side of the pole, not allowing it to be adjusted or directed.
  2. Adjustable Split Fit Mount, which is used when you mount onto a tenon, allowing use of multiple fixtures per pole, or directing the light in different directions.
  3. Yoke Mount, a lot like the adjustable mount, this is used typically when mounting onto a wall, wooden pole, or a more in-depth application for which the other mounting options will not work.

Determine What Wattage You Need

When replacing existing fixtures keep in mind the existing wattage you are utilizing when deciding which wattage is the comparable in LED.

Due to LED’s being typically much brighter than Metal Halide or High-Pressure Sodium options, we use this 1:1 retrofit ratio to determine the correct LED wattage replacement:

Metal Halide / HPS Wattage LED Replacement Wattage
Up to 250W 90W
Up to 400W 150W
Up to 1000W 300W

If this is a new project where no existing fixtures are there, be sure to reach out to HTM Lighting with your layout design and the best recommended LED fixture will be provided to you alongside with a custom lighting design created for your project! This is a complimentary service so pictures of the project’s layout, as well as information about how many pole and fixtures will be helpful with this process, as mentioned above.

Making the Purchase

Although the thought of purchasing your new fixtures may seem effortless, there are quite a few factors involved rather then just competing with prices and comparing specifics. Keep in mind the voltage you have running to your existing fixtures, or the new fixtures you will installing as this will vary on which fixture you need; 100V-277V is the standard voltage however, some location require High Voltage which is 347V-480V.

When you are ready to purchase your new LED Parking Lot Fixtures, by then you should have an idea of the company you are going to provide business to since you have already had some contact with them. To ensure that you are making an intelligent decision, that will be well worth it in the long run, always consider how your customer service has been.

Excellent customer service is something to always require and should play a major role in decision making on purchases such as these.

Always be sure that:

  1. The company answered all your questions promptly and to your expectations.
  2. Your customer service or sales representative has aided in the decision making of what options are best for your project.
  3. You were offered a complimentary lighting layout for your project if applicable.
  4. Response time was quick and efficient on all of your inquiries.

Providing great product knowledge is always an additional factor when making your purchase, to assure you are receiving the best available lighting fixture. Always be sure to check that the product is UL Listed and/or DLC Qualified as you may be entitled to rebates from your local electrical company, along with having the reassurance that it is a trusted and reliable product.

Always check to confirm that the purchased product is of its highest quality, such as determining what type of driver the fixture is made with, also does it include a built-in surge protector, is the company name trusted and dependable? Having a product that is backed by the company’s integrity and dependability will provide the reassurance you need, if something were to ever happen to your fixtures.

Thus, bringing us to another point, does the fixture have a warranty, and how hard is the warranty process to go through if you ever need to? Most companies advertise an extended warranty of 5-10 years on Led Shoebox Fixtures, but what do they consider a warranty issue? Prior to making the purchase, be sure to verify what the warranty covers and excludes, along with how to go about a warranty claim if ever needed.

Are You Ready For Your New LED Parking Lot Fixtures?

Now that you’ve covered the key points, it is time to finish that project and be blown away with the results achieved with LED Lighting! Be sure to reach out to HTM Lighting as our team is more than happy to assist with any lighting designs and decisions, as we take personal pride and enthusiasm when working on all projects involving LED fixtures.

Advantages of Led Shoebox Fixtures

As old parking lot lights need to be replaced, many complex owners are choosing LED shoebox lights due to greater energy efficiency and long-term cost savings. This light typically ranges from 40 to 300 watts but can replace 1,000 watt high-intensity discharge (HID) bulbs. Here are some important points to remember when considering these lights.

How a Shoebox Light Saves Energy

Shoebox lights are commonly the size of shoes, from about a foot long to 16 inches. These lights are found at sports stadiums, county fairs, and large parking lots. Despite their small size, these LED lights generate up to 80 percent energy savings. Once mounted, shoebox lamps can be easily adjusted to control light direction and shape covering an area.

Unlike many other LED light models, Titan LED shoebox lights can last up to 155,000 hours while using less electricity than traditional lighting methods use. In recent decades LEDs have caught the attention of city governments, which are adopting them due to cost efficiency and durability. The fact that LEDs require very little – if any – maintenance work once installed makes them appealing to government offices as well as businesses.

Upgrading to LED Shoebox Lighting

It’s actually fairly easy to upgrade from an existing traditional lighting system to an LED shoebox system. The first step in upgrading is to conduct a photometric evaluation to determine how much light is sufficient for an area and how lights should be positioned. Companies that cannot afford an entire new lighting infrastructure should consider retrofit kits that simplify conversion to LEDs.

Complexes that run bright lights 12 hours per day can benefit significantly by shifting to LED shoebox lights. If you are using traditional HID lights, a good percentage of lighting may be going to waste due to their omni-directional orientation. LEDs are mounted on a stationary arm but can gain broader reach on a slipfitter mount.

The factors you should pay attention to for upgrading revolve around the type of facility and the amount of wattage needed for output. A large facility will have different power requirements than a small office. Since an LED shoebox light requires a specific voltage, the installer needs to know the line voltage.

In addition to installing LED lights, an ideal modern lighting system should include a smart design in which the system is integrated with a timer that shuts light off at times when it isn’t needed. Organizations that are installing lights for the first time should check to see if their municipality requires an environmental study. In general, LED lights are considered eco-friendly due to energy efficiency and the capability of being recycled.

Where can we use parking lot light and how to select it

Most parking lot lights innovates and enabled energy savings of up to 70% and reduced maintenance requirements while at the same time improves visibility for your project.

These issues of energy cost, maintenance cost, and lighting performance should be a motivator for considering a conversion to LED Shoebox Fictures. LED lighting technology can help you boost your financial performance while helping you to increase the overall lighting experience for the patrons of your facility.

But, how to select the best option for your space? Beyond selecting the model, power, and following professional installation practices. We have some recommendations for you to consider when installing parking lot lighting for your security or illumination project. One of them is the proper level of illumination needed. In other words, is a parking lot too bright or not bright enough? Bbier Led Shoebox Fixtures comes in a series of different power selections for every need. From 100w to even 300w.

LED parking lot lights may come with 3 different mounting options, to give you more flexibility and control over the installation and light distribution by offering a broader range of angles for your illumination project. You can also, as a special feature, to connect your LED Shoebox Fixtures to a photocell for dusk to dawn illumination that saves you even more energy and money.

LED area lighting will make a huge impact on the overall parking space in the area. It will change the outlook of it.

If there have more details want to learn more about ,welcome to contact us,we will show you more.

Learn More About Led Shoebox Lightings-Ultimate Guide