LED Grow Lights for Commercial and Cannabis Use

LED grow lights are lights that encourage the development of indoor plants. These lights provide the light, or PAR, that plants need to flourish. For those who have a passion for gardening, LED grow lights should definitely be taken into account for indoor gardens. With the help of these lights, you may cultivate a variety of plants no matter the time of year or the weather. The LED technology employed in the light fixtures gives the lights their name.

Years of experiments have shown that People now fully mastered the methods of controlling the transformation of cannabinoids from industrial hemp grown in greenhouses. Through these methods, the CBD content of different types of industrial hemp we planted during the test has been significantly improved. . The THC content is strictly controlled within the national standard range, and the CBD and THC content of different strains of the same species have little difference, and the stability is good.

Industrial hemp is mainly grown outdoors, one species a year.The main difference between outdoor planting and indoor planting is the level of THC content and product stability. Although the cost of indoor planting is high, it can be operated 24 hours a day. Under constant temperature and humidity, the THC content can be as high as 26%-30%. The main purpose of indoor cultivation is to extract higher THC content, which can be harvested about 4 times a year, and the overall profit margin is considerable. Although outdoor planting can save construction costs, it is difficult to maintain consistent product quality, and the planting process is highly dependent on the stability of the weather. The harvest is once a year, and the THC content is only about 15%. In the United States, industrial hemp is basically planted outdoors or in greenhouses, because the CBD content of indoor planting can only reach 6-8%. Compared with the current outdoor average harvest of 6%, the cost-effectiveness of indoor planting is relatively low. From 2017 to 2018, the planting area of industrial hemp in the United States was about 25,500-35,700 square miles (16.32 million-22.848 million mu, nearly 640 mu per square mile).

Plant growing is changing

Why is light spectrum so important to cannabis plants?

When grown outdoors in sunlight, the light spectrum received actually provides the cannabis plant with a wealth of information about what is going on in the world around it. During spring and summer, more of the blue spectrum reaches the surface. In summer, the plant responds to this bright direct light (with a lot of blue light component), cueing it to grow non-vegetatively with lots of large leaves and short stems. The plant tries to spread and increase the mass of its leaves as best it can. Blue Light – Grow lights with a higher proportion of blue light are often used during the growing phase of the plant, as they tend to keep cannabis plants short and strong with large, healthy leaves.

As autumn approaches, the sun begins to dip in the sky. As a result, more of the light reaching the plants falls within the red spectrum. More light in the red part of the spectrum indicates that the plants are coming to the end of summer and it’s time to acclimate before winter. When a cannabis plant is exposed to a higher proportion of red light, it responds by growing longer stems with more space between the leaves and growing as high as possible optimally to start Germinated and pollinated by the wind!

Yellow/Red Lights – Grow lights with lots of red are often used during the flowering period to motivate plants to grow taller (stretch) and to help promote bud emergence. Plants may enter flowering sooner under red light than under blue light.

By tracking the ratio of colors in the spectrum, cannabis plants are able to “learn” what’s going on around them, helping the plant grow optimally!

What makes good LED grow lights so much better?

Ⅰ.Full spectrum

Full spectrum One of the unique but required features of a good LED grows light is the full spectrum similar to the electromagnetic radiation spectrum of daylight. The full spectrum waveband has a wavelength energy range of 100-800 nm wavelength. The ultraviolet light lies on the extreme left with a wavelength between 100-400 nm. Visible light lies between 400-770nm while infrared light goes beyond 770nm. Different plants require energy of varying wavelengths because of the chlorophyll component. The absorption spectra of chlorophyll are predominant in the visible light with red and blue light dominating.

The other green light is not absorbed by the chlorophyll component of plants; rather, it is reflected, giving plants their green look. A variety of light energies are offered by LED grow lights, allowing plants to carry out photosynthesis for development and growth. They feature an adjustable circuit that you can use to keep an eye on how much light energy is being given to the plants to keep them from drying up. This enables you to develop your plants throughout the year without being affected by variations in the weather or the energy of the surroundings.

Ⅱ High par value

A successful grow light depends on an understanding of PAR and how it influences plant growth. The strong Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) that LED grow lights produce is ideal for starting photosynthesis in your plants. Most plants have a PAR range of 400–700 nm. The light temperature measured in kelvins and the PAR ranges are interchangeable terms. The majority of radiations range in temperature from 3000 to 5500 kelvins, giving off hues ranging from warm to white. Our LED grow lights have a built-in wide spectrum, so they are not restricted to the 400-700nm PAR range. This makes it possible for the lights to activate several plant photomorphogenic responses essential for life. The varied spectrum strengths of the beams generated with the proper wavelength are balanced by the high PAR value.

Ⅲ. Sturdy

You need well-made lighting if you want to perform any indoor gardening. These LED grow lights are solidly constructed to provide and last. The grow lights available on the market frequently arrive disassembled and require installation by a specialist. The procedure may be time-consuming and annoying. Even with professional installation knowledge, the LED grow lights are designed for simplicity. Our grow lights come with instructions on how to install them in your garden in the installation kit. Our lighting fixtures have a flexible rope that may be attached to the ceiling. These cutting-edge adjustable lights make it simple to simply replace the sun’s light with a suitable source of light for your plants. The reflector casings on the lights include lenses that enable the light to be focused and concentrated.

Ⅳ High par Value

A good grow light must comprehend PAR and how it influences plant growth. For your plants to begin photosynthesis, LED grow lights are designed to create a high Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR). The majority of plants have a PAR range between 400 and 700 nm. The light temperature, expressed in kelvins, is equivalent to the PAR ranges. The majority of radiations range from warm to white in color and have a kelvin temperature between 3000 and 5500. Due to the broad spectrum that is included into our LED grow lights, they are not restricted to the 400-700nm PAR range. This makes it possible for the lights to trigger various, survival-related plant photomorphogenic responses. A high PAR value balances the various spectral strengths of the beams generated at the proper wavelength.