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LED Work Lights 100W 5000K with Tripod

Минимальный заказ: 1 шт (Минимальный заказ)
Артикул: B-HJD-100W
Мощность: 100 Вт
Цветовая температура: 2700К-6700К
Люмен: 13000лм
IP Водонепроницаемый: IP65
Входное напряжение: 100–277 В переменного тока 200–480 В переменного тока
Гарантия: 3/5 лет
Сертификация: Перечислены ETL
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LED work lights with a 100W power rating and a color temperature of 5000K, especially when equipped with a tripod, offer several advantages for various applications. Here are some potential benefits:

  1. Энергоэффективность: LED lights are known for their energy efficiency. They can provide bright illumination while consuming less energy compared to traditional lighting technologies. This can result in cost savings over time.
  2. Longevity: LEDs have a longer lifespan than traditional lighting sources, which means less frequent replacement and maintenance. This can be particularly advantageous in work environments where continuous and reliable lighting is essential.
  3. Instant Light: LEDs light up instantly without the warm-up time required by some other lighting technologies. This can be crucial in work situations where quick and immediate illumination is necessary.
  4. Цветовая температура: A color temperature of 5000K is often considered as daylight or cool white. This color temperature provides a clear and bright light, making it suitable for various tasks, including detailed work.
  5. Adjustable Tripod: The inclusion of a tripod provides flexibility in positioning the light source at different heights and angles. This adaptability is valuable in work environments where the lighting needs to be directed to specific areas or adjusted based on the task at hand.
  6. Portability: Tripod-mounted LED work lights are often designed to be portable. This makes them easy to transport to different work sites, providing consistent lighting wherever it’s needed.
  7. Durability: LED lights are generally more robust and durable than traditional light sources. They are less prone to breakage and damage, making them suitable for rugged work environments.
  8. Cooler Operation: LEDs emit very little heat compared to traditional incandescent or halogen lights. This can contribute to a safer work environment, especially when the lights are used for extended periods.
  9. Environmentally Friendly: LEDs are mercury-free and produce less environmental impact compared to some other lighting technologies. They are considered a more eco-friendly option.
  10. Dimmability: Some LED work lights offer dimming capabilities, allowing users to adjust the brightness according to their needs. This feature adds another layer of flexibility in controlling the lighting conditions.

Сила 100 Вт
Модель BB-HJD-100W-Q
Световой поток 13000лм
Замена HPS 300 Вт
Источник света SMD-светодиод
Светящаяся эффективность 130 лм/Вт
Рабочая температура от -40 до +45 ℃
ССТ 2700K SW / 3000K WW / 4100K NW / 5000K DW / 5700K CW
ЦРИ 80+
Срок жизни 50 000 часов при 25 ℃
Напряжение 100–277 В переменного тока/50–60 Гц 200–480 В переменного тока/50–60 Гц доступны
Водитель Внутренний источник питания
Затемнение Стандарт: без диммирования; Диммируемый опционально.
Дистанционное управление Стандарт: без пульта; Пульт дистанционного управления опционально.
Датчик Стандарт: без датчика; Микроволновый датчик опционально.
Угол луча 360°
Покрытие Прозрачный, матовый, доступный объектив
Основание лампы Установка крючка
ПФ >0,95
Гарантия 3/5 лет