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Compared to traditional high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, they consume a significant amount less energy, have a three times longer lifespan, and require less maintenance.
LED lights typically cause less light trespass because of their direct lighting. Because of its many great features, several communities have started switching from HID to shoebox lot lights. While Shoebox Lot Lights are capable of producing a wide range of light colors, some towns have failed to consider that not all of them should be used in open spaces. White light that is intensely blue-rich can be harmful to the night sky, wildlife, and residents. For Shoebox Lot Lights, warmer color and related color temperature (CCT) are preferable.
The CCT of your streetlight will tell you what hue and brightness of white to expect. Similar to Celsius, it is represented in degrees of Kelvin (K). Different temperatures correlate to different color colors on the Kelvin scale. For example, the light between 2000 and 3500 Kelvin, sometimes known as warm white or ultra warm, has a warmer orange-yellow appearance. As Kelvin temperature rises, color transitions to a “paper white” known as natural or neutral white (between 3500K and 5100K), and subsequently to a bluish–white known as cool white (5100K–6500K).

Светодиодные уличные фонари с CCT 3000K или ниже рекомендованы Международной ассоциацией темного неба (IDA), организацией, целью которой является сохранение ночного неба. Теплый белый свет этих уличных фонарей сделает их безопаснее как для людей, так и для дикой природы. ЦКТ дневного света составляет примерно 6500К, что придает ему очень синий вид. Такой ночной свет, проникающий в дома людей через окна, может нарушить циркадный ритм и снизить выработку мелатонина. Мелатонин не только помогает заснуть, но также укрепляет иммунную систему, контролирует некоторые гормоны и оказывает антиоксидантное действие. Согласно исследованиям, он также может помочь при синдроме раздраженного кишечника, мигрени и профилактике рака.
From dawn till nightfall, the light’s hue changes: it goes from warm white to cool white to natural white to ultra warm white at sunset. Our bodies are used to this cycle of light. Artificial lights that are not part of the natural illumination cycle have the potential to throw off our circadian rhythms. According to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, circadian rhythms are “physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment.”
according to bbier.com Different types of light have different effects on the body. Like a strong midday light, blue/white light increases serotonin and inhibits melatonin, making it perfect for workout. On the other hand, melatonin is released in preparation of sleep when exposed to red or orange light. If all is in balance, the body will generate the right amounts of cortisol, melatonin, serotonin, and dopamine at the right times of day.

On our website, the IDA presents important information from a report about the harm that shoebox lot lights cause to humans and the environment. This article states that research has indicated that exposure to light with a higher CCT before bed can have a negative impact on sleeping habits. The paper claims that diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other disorders can be brought on by frequent sleep disruptions.
Apart from the possible health risks, those with impairments may experience increased glare due to cool white street lighting. Disability glare is the result of stray light entering the eye, impairing your ability to see space and distance accurately. This happens as a result of blue light scattering more in the retina of humans.
the report claims. Glare raises the possibility of traffic accidents and reduces driving safety, even if it does not immediately endanger anyone’s health.
Using blue light outdoors at night can also have a disastrous effect on the ecosystem.
When light with a CCT close to daylight is supplied, it essentially changes the daily cycle that plants and animals are used to. They depend on the light-dark cycle for hunting, migrating, sleeping, and defense. The IDA also notes that nocturnal animals have suffered considerably from cool white light at night, with study scientist Christopher Kyba stating that “… the introduction of artificial light probably represents the most drastic change human beings have made to their environment.” Since chilly, white light attracts insects,Just the fact that insects are necessary for plants, birds, and other animals to live has a significant impact on our ecology.
Because blue light has a longer range than white light, using cool white LED lights outside at night may increase light pollution or brighten the sky. Reduced star visibility as a result could be detrimental to astronomy research. Cool white LED lights should be covered or aimed straight down to prevent light pollution.
The facts on cool white lighting makes it very clear why outdoor public spaces shouldn’t use this color at night. This does not in any way suggest that cool white LED lights are undesirable. Put simply, they perform better indoors or in locations where their reach will be restricted, such building entrances or loading docks.
They are useful in situations where the lights aren’t going to stay on all night, such outdoor stadiums. The natural white Shoebox Lot Lights are the same. While they are still not as good as cool white lights, they are nonetheless an improvement for similar purposes. For public outdoor areas, warm white LED shoebox lot lights and street lights with a CCT of 3000K or below are far superior options. Since they generate a significantly smaller amount of blue light—which is invisible to the human eye—than other options, they are now the best choices for street lighting.
Click the image below to see our collection of warm white shoebox lot lights.
How LED Shoebox Lot Lights Can Help You Save Energy
A shoe box It is quite expensive to operate lighting like floodlights and pole lights.
Their high cost is due to the fact that they will remain on for the most of the night, thus gaining the nickname “always-on lighting.”On the other hand, LED Shoebox Lot lighting has the potential to drastically reduce this expense, which makes them the best lighting for long-lasting illumination of large areas. These lights can help manufacturers, facility managers, and building owners save maintenance costs, increase energy efficiency, and improve environmental sustainability. Bright LED parking lot lights have become an essential part of our landscape because of their influence on the locations we visit or work.
They not only make the space brighter and easier to see in, but they also make customers and bystanders feel safer.
In light of this, LED shoebox lot lights have benefited buildings that have modified their use to save energy in a variety of ways.
Светодиодные фонари для обуви
LED shoebox lot lights come with a variety of fittings, including area lights for outdoor parking lots and wraparound light fixtures for interior parking lots.
They can be used in parking lots of businesses, warehouses, parks, hospitals, apartment buildings, etc. for branding, site aesthetics, and customer safety.
In comparison to traditional lighting, these bulbs are highly acclaimed for being the most energy-efficient choices.
They save 75% of the energy used by commercial buildings that use them, which has led to a broad switch from inefficient outdoor lighting systems to LED technology.
LED Shoebox Lot Lights come in a range of sizes, forms, and fixture materials, such as concrete, fiberglass, aluminum, and wood, and they illuminate the surrounding area for both cars and pedestrians.
Because of their variety, they can now be classified as lights for parking garages or canopies.
LEDs are semiconductors that, when an electric current passes through them, emit visible light.
Как сэкономить энергию с помощью светодиодных фонарей
There is no doubt that LED Shoebox Lot Lights can save energy, and several figures back up this assertion.
For example, LED lighting in parking lots uses more than 50% less energy than traditional or conventional lighting, according to the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.
Businesses that installed energy-efficient lighting in their parking lots were able to lower their energy use by 90% in 2014, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
LEDs save businesses not only on energy bills but also on maintenance costs.