Conventional Wall Pack Lighting suffers from high energy costs, frequent maintenance costs, and overall lighting performance issues. LED lighting can help mitigate all three of these issues. Read below to understand three benefits of LED wall pack lighting, including energy savings, maintenance cost reduction and lighting performance improvements.

Why do I need LED wall lights?

Why do I need LED wall lights

If you decide to install LED wall pack lights for your property’s safety, here are some of the categories you could choose.

  • Energy Saving

A common wattage range for conventional wall pack lights is between 70 watts and 400 watts. Comparatively, common wattages for LED wall pack fixtures range from 24 watts to 82 watts. This is a 40%-60% reduction in energy consumption that can be realized just by switching to LED wall pack lighting. If you were looking at this from a cost perspective, that would be a reduction of $300 per fixture/per year in electricity costs.

Conventional lighting applications with similar concerns as Wall Pack LightingLED High Bay Lighting; LED Office Lights.

  • Maintenance Cost Reduction

Switching to LED can also help dramatically reduce the time spent maintaining your wall pack lighting. The drop in maintenance is primarily driven by the way LEDs generate light. The way they progress through their functional life is much different than traditional high intensity discharge (HID) lamps. Instead of ceasing to function properly once a fuel source is significantly reduced, LED generated light output degrades very slowly over time. As a result the functional life (often in excess of 100,000 hours) of an LED product can be significantly longer than that of a HID lamp.

  • High lighting performance

LED wall pack lights utilize a multi-point design that provides very evenly distributed light. What this means is that light levels across a given surface will vary less between fixture mounting locations. LEDs are available in a range of CCT’s (correlated color temperatures), and as a result provide a range of options to increase the visual perception of “brightness” without increasing the need for higher wattages.

Where should I use wall lighting?

Why do I need LED wall lights

Wall lights have applications in any room, indoors and out. Working alongside ceiling lights, a wall-mounted fixture provides supplemental illumination, while using wall lights in place of overhead lighting creates a more atmospheric effect and can alleviate glare. In bathrooms, vanity lights are a key part of light layering: Flank a mirror with wall fixtures to banish shadows from your face that overhead lights tend to cast.

How high up on the wall should you place your wall light?

Why do I need LED wall lights

This depends on the height of the ceiling of course but figure in people walking past them, anyone sitting underneath them and where the light is thrown. As in, you don’t want a light shining in someones eye if they are walking towards it.  It’s all common sense really and you will learn through trial and error but it’s as well to look at these things when deciding placement.


Why do I need LED wall lights? Here are some reasons.

  • Energy Saving
  • Maintenance Cost Reduction
  • High lighting performance